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瓮安「段」造 誉美贵州:瓮安誉酒店设计


Project Name: Fame Hotel


Location: Guizhou, China


Design Company: JDKJ Design


Chief Designer: Yongfeng Lin


Assistant Designer:Zijie Deng,Yiqing Lin,Jianyu Huang,Jie Li,Xiaoying Yuan


Area: 1600 square meters


Cost: 45 million


Design Cycle: May 10, 2018


Completion time: February 10, 2023


Main Materials: silver pear veneer, lacquer board, pure copper accessories, brushed antique copper, lacquer art, car saddle leather, embroidery


Client Name: Weng'an Yihong Hotel Management Co., Ltd


Photographer: Yanming Photo


The mountains stand as our soul and essence, verdant and magnificent, while the waters act as our veins, flowing with vitality. Positioned in the southern part of Guizhou's Qiannan area, Weng'an County is traversed by the Wujiang River and adorned with dense forests, achieving a seamless connection between urban and natural elements. Located amidst the urban environment and lush gardens, this project basks in the early dawn and dusk's haze, witnessing the evening light filtering through the trees' shade, appreciating the enduring charm of the surroundings. It aims to form a refined artistic collection that harmonizes ecological and cultural essence within a distinct realm.


The surname Duan has its roots in the Ji clan, a branch of the Zheng lineage. Ancestors were descendants of a branch of the Zhou royal lineage. The Duan family gained fame for their blacksmithing and artisanal talents, playing a pivotal role in sustaining Chinese culture. In this project, the proprietor is Duan Shimei, a member of the Shizi generation of the Duan surname in Weng'an, Guizhou. Drawing from the "Book of Mozi" where "renowned and beautiful" are signified, she established the Fame Hotel project. Through spatial interpretation, it intertwines local and clan cultures, providing architecture as a vessel for people's exploration and attachment to kinship and hometown emotions.


With the east wind releasing a thousand trees of blossoms at night, blowing down more stars like rain, entering the lobby allows you to feel the magnificent scene of "Fire trees and silver flowers never leave the night". The bright red columns stand like open palace gates, presenting a classical ceremonial welcome to invite prosperity and blessings. In the heart of the space, the Dali-style cowry coin takes on a landscape role, incorporating the Duan clan's cultural essence into the structural fabric of the space. Among every item and scenery, a misty feeling of the clan's sentiment is present, while within each brick and timber, the refinement of scholarly aesthetics converges.


"Amid the melody of phoenix flutes and the radiance of jade vessels, a nightlong spectacle of fish and dragons dancing unfolds". The "Shehuo" celebration is a unique local festivity, during which villagers scatter molten iron in front of the theater stage to kindle the festival fire. Shirtless, they navigate through the fire trees and silver flowers, creating a grand and awe-inspiring dragon dance performance. Designer Mr. Lin Feng, touched by the cultural significance of this event, takes the dual-sided architecture of the theater pavilion in clear and rainy conditions as the backdrop. Employing artistic paintings as a symbol of vibrant red flames, he faithfully reproduces the wooden carved chandeliers on both sides in a 1:1 ratio, blending in starry elements to materialize a dazzling array of sparks, freezing the fiery spectacle of the 'shehuo' celebration in a moment of encounter.


设计收费:800 元/平             

擅长类型: 酒店、餐饮、会所



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